Sunday, April 19, 2015

And now for something completely different

Anne continues to settle satisfactorily into her new life in Rosedale.

Val continues to struggle with the anti-estrogen drug she is on, as it causes aches and pains throughout her body. We'll see where this goes. 

Amanda is the 'something completely different': I am experiencing the pain of a kidney stone. Yikes. Who would have thought such a small thing could cause such major discomfort! I left my Friday afternoon class half-way through as I couldn't pay attention to the students' presentations for one more minute. A kind colleague drove me home; the pain subsided over the afternoon but had returned by Saturday morning. A trip to our local 'urgent care' centre gave me the diagnosis, even though nothing showed up on Xray (95% of stones don't). I'll book a CT scan on Monday; maybe that will show the size of this unwelcome intruder. In the mean time, drugs are managing the pain while I wait for the stone to, literally, pass.

This time last year, Val was heading towards 16 radiation treatments. These are the aloe vera plants we bought from which she used the gel to ease the sting of the burns. They now sit and merely serve to enhance the west-facing kitchen windows. We've come a long way, baby, in some good respects. Phew!