Anne continues to settle satisfactorily into her new life in Rosedale.
Val continues to struggle with the anti-estrogen drug she is on, as it causes aches and pains throughout her body. We'll see where this goes.
Amanda is the 'something completely different': I am experiencing the pain of a kidney stone. Yikes. Who would have thought such a small thing could cause such major discomfort! I left my Friday afternoon class half-way through as I couldn't pay attention to the students' presentations for one more minute. A kind colleague drove me home; the pain subsided over the afternoon but had returned by Saturday morning. A trip to our local 'urgent care' centre gave me the diagnosis, even though nothing showed up on Xray (95% of stones don't). I'll book a CT scan on Monday; maybe that will show the size of this unwelcome intruder. In the mean time, drugs are managing the pain while I wait for the stone to, literally, pass.