Saturday, January 11, 2014

Brief end-of-week update by Amanda

We are out of the deep freeze and enjoying a short cold-weather reprieve with temperatures at a mild minus 5 or so. Lovely to be able to lower our shoulders and leave the house without snow pants.

I successfully made it through my first week back in the classroom, and even received positive feedback from a couple of students in the Painter & Decorator apprentice level 2 communication class. "That was fun" said one; another said "That was informative; I look forward to next week." I don't often get that response from trades students, so it's worth noting!

Val had a Herceptin treatment on Wednesday; this is the new normal - a treatment every three weeks until the next scan's results in early February. Radiation options will be determined at that time.

My father, Colin, remains in the hospital, stable, and soon to be moved to a rehab ward where he will regain his strength in preparation for returning home.

My mother, Anne, is managing daily trips to the hospital with the help of good friends who drive her and pick her up. Thanks to each of you!

Lots of snow outside the new studio in Wolseley 

    Office area at front of new Yoga North studio
  • Today is Open House day at the new Yoga North studio and I am planning to attend one of the free classes. The place is right in our neighbourhood and looks great. 

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