Val has made contact w/ the patient rep at CancerCare. A meeting will be arranged with both least that is the plan. We'll keep you posted as things progress. Just wanted to share this news of the steps made to date.
I had an excellent visit with Anne and Colin in Edmonton, where the weather was cool but the snowbanks were far less significant than they are here in Winnipeg. It continues to be more winter than spring. Sigh. Colin is settling in well at home, and Anne is running things like clockwork. Homecare is good morning and evening. Friends continue to help out. So far, so good.
Over and out for the moment.
Excellent news about the joint doctors' meeting. God almighty. Competition NOT always the best whip for ensuring a successful outcome--a fact particularly obvious when you're the object of contention. It's all horrible. One possibly comforting thought is that there is no Right Decision. That's not just due to the barbaric state of medicine. Botanical and biological matter, be it the paper out of which I used to make bags in a factory (which could go all floppy and unpredictable in humid weather) or your human body, do not run by rote. You will make the most informed decision you can, and the rest will unfold in a generally haphazard way. Easy for me to say, but if you actually believe this, you might minimize the feeling that you have the power to avoid screwing up your future. You have way more power over the present. I know you and Amanda aren't really going-away-for-holiday types, but given the Winter conditions in Winnipeg, have you considered a holiday Away? Just for fun.
It's great that you pushed for this meeting! Power to you!
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