It's a bit later on a Sunday evening than ideal to be sitting down to eat, but it's been a bit of a dreary, grey, drizzly Sunday. We both did a bit of this and that - some yoga (Val), some garden tidying up (me), a walk (both of us), some reading and a nap (me) - and somehow it's past 6:30pm before anyone is in the kitchen putting food together for a meal.
Yesterday, I had bought some 4-cheese ravioli to have on hand for just such an occasion, so that's what I pulled together for supper: some rudimentary tomato sauce, the pasta, and some lovely local asparagus (picked on Friday, bought on Saturday, cooked on Sunday). Some nice white wine remaining from Saturday's supper. It was going to be ok. Not gourmet, but decent.
But as we're eating, Val tells me that, actually, ravioli, is her least favourite type of pasta, and, anyway, when we last had that delicious dish with pasta and asparagus it wasn't with ravioli, was it?
We both wracked our brains for what the other type of pasta was, but couldn't come up with it.
So, I do the logical thing. I go to my collection of Fine Cooking magazines on the living room bookshelf and I pull down the mag holder. And I pull out, on first try, the correct copy of the magazine from which I first cooked that original pasta dish.
Turns out it called for tortellini. "That's it," I cry, "tortellini."
I look over at Val and she has her hands in her (very curly) hair and is shrieking: "That is not fair! I cannot even find my shoes, but you can find - immediately - the magazine you need to come up with the answer for the type of pasta in that dish. Give me strength!"
What can I say? There's a fine line between being organized and being compulsive, and I believe I am happily on the correct side of this line....
On a less amusing note, it seems our fridge has stopped its cooling function. I will have to call a repair person in the morning. Oh joy. Oh well. At least the freezer is still functioning...
Val is now 10 days out from her final radiation treatment; she is still experiencing heavy fatigue, and the skin burn remains itchy and uncomfortable. Frequent treatments of aloe direct from the plant, some cortisone cream and moisturizer are all helping, but she will be glad when she's through this experience.
As you may have noticed, she has not written a blog post for a good while; she will return when she has the gas (physical and intellectual) to do so. In the mean time, she is following through on her commitment to teach a yoga class or two; this takes some of her energy, but it also gives her some energy in return. A fair trade, indeed.
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