Monday, November 3, 2014

Updates: Colin and garage

The fall has been lovely, but winter is coming. I must get the windows washed! 

Colin is in hospital, having become weaker and weaker over the past 10 days or so. I was in Edmonton for a long weekend in late October, and he was just managing at home with phenomenal care from Mum and the homecare workers. This weekend, Katy was there and Dad couldn't manage getting in or out of bed on his own anymore, so the paramedics took him to a local  hospital. We now wait for news about his next move, possibly into a nursing home (the paperwork for which has been underway over the past week; thank goodness for this timing). Stay tuned. 

Val continues to recover and re-enter regular life. She doesn't have the stamina she would like and is easily tired, but she pushes on and is teaching two yoga classes a week, plus is deep into another session of teacher training at the yoga studio. Life goes on.

On a more mundane front, our garage is coming along well. These pics show where we're at. The roof should be up and on this week; we won't side the building til the spring. 

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