Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hair-raising tales (1)

The insertion of the port into Val's upper right chest area went smoothly. Some pain resulted, mostly managed with regular Tylenol. The nurses and doc were all very friendly and competent, according to Val, who came out of the procedure with her usual post-IV-sedation merry mood and short-term-memory incapacity. I have come to know this stage of the post-op recovery only too well. Val is quite charming and quite funny on those drugs!

Home to lunch - Val was ravenous, then sleepy. I went to the college. Yvonne came over to "Val sit". I presumed Val would simply sleep the afternoon away and all would be quiet. Well. Not quite.

Photo montage of Val's evolving hair style.
Chester, the cat, wasn't sure what to make of it all! 
I came home around 5pm to discover an energized house: Unbeknownst to me, Yvonne has hair-cutting skills - and the scissors to go along with them. She and Val had set up a hair-salon in the sun room, and Yvonne had proceeded to give Val a spiky Mohawk-style hair cut.

I was greeted by two giddy women who were truly pleased with their work. And so was I. Val had enough product in her hair to give a really good effect, and she no longer would have those long red hairs falling out by the handful (which began in earnest in that morning's shower).

The process didn't end there, however.

Yvonne ordered in dinner and then continued with the cutting. See the photo montage for the final effect. We think Val looks rather distinguished with such short hair.

We realize the fall-out will continue, so today is hat-shopping day. We will see what the local shops can offer for daytime and indoor wearing in this fall season. The wonderful warm 'Jeannie Beanies' knitted by Val's yoga frieand Jeannie are beautiful and fit Val's tiny head splendidly, but they will be too warm for, for example, tonight's symphony outing.

Stay tuned for the continuation of the Val, Hair & Hats story...

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