Thursday, September 26, 2013

Of cardboard and cucumbers

The day after chemo session no. 2 went well, with Val up and about and going for a walk with Jacki in the neighbourhood. She was also able to feed herself and do some laundry and the dishes. Excellent activity, and much appreciated by me!

For supper, we had our standard fall-back meal of cheese omelettes, steamed potatoes, coleslaw and broccoli, with cucumber chunks on the side. Val, normally a huge fan of my omelettes, said hers tasted like cardboard - but then so did everything else...except the cucumber, which tasted delicious. We figure this must be chemo taste (or lack thereof). Do you think she can survive on raw veggies in a Winnipeg winter???? (just kidding. she'll keep eating, and eating well, don't worry.)

Val describes this disappearance of taste as very peculiar and a tad distressing, given her general gusto for good food. Oh well. If that's as bad as it gets for the moment, we'll take it!

My students are all yawning in class these days, and I am not taking it personally. Or trying not to, anyway. It's week 5 of the term and everyone is already trying to figure out how to make it through to December. Is it Thanksgiving yet??
Holly on her look-out post in the sunroom.

Holly did not escape outside this evening, and she's not happy about being indoors while Chester is out there, romping in the dark.

 That's all for now...

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