Good news from the oncologist at this afternoon's appointment: The scan results are so good, along with Val's ongoing good blood work numbers, that Dr. Brandes is taking Val off the Taxotere chemo drug and keeping her only on the Herceptin, which is much easier on the body.
Further, he's not convinced radiation is necessary. Brandes will consult with Dr. Cook, the radiologist, so that piece of news is not yet certain (as far as I am concerned), but the immediate news is excellent.
We are relieved and reveling.

The longer story will come in the next day or so, when Val puts together her next guest post and writes up all the medical details that escape me. Tomorrow she will take herself to her first Herceptin-only appointment.
Regardless of what comes at us down the road, this moment is a good one. Enjoy it with us. xo
Oh isn't this LOVELY news. I'm pouring a Scotch even thought it's a weekday evening and I have Stuff to do later. It also freed up brain space for me to bother checking if you'd misspelled "reveling." I couldn't believe you would have, but then maybe fatigue and low key living were REALLY taking their toll. Of course you hadn't. But American orthography may be a slippery slope....
Katy: I had to double-check that spelling myself! Couldn't believe it took only one "l", but there you go. Apparently we have both inherited the 'check that spelling' gene!
What wonderful news! Hurrah for no more chemo or radiation. Love to you both.
Lawrence and Sonja
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