Sunday, November 17, 2013

Scan and snow

Val called the oncologist's office on Friday, and the nurse read to her from the report of last Thursday's CT scan: no findings in the lungs, lymph nodes, surgical site or surrounding tissue. This seems to indicate that the treatment is having the desired effect on the site of the original tumour (removed in July). There were no notes from the oncologist, however, so we don't know what the implications of this news are in regards to the remaining two chemo sessions on Val's schedule. This will become clear, we presume, when Val sees Dr. Brandes after her next blood work appointment on Nov. 26. Til then, we are simply happy to have this information.

I continue to be amazed at how well Val is withstanding the impact of the chemotherapy. She insists on doing some domestic chores, tries to get in a gentle yoga practice and go for a walk every day. However, the treatment is not easy on her:

  • She has been experiencing low-grade nausea that makes eating a bit tricky, but it can be managed more or less successfully with prescribed pills. 
  • She is feeling neuropathy in her fingertips and feet -- highly aggravating, as it diminishes sensitivity and makes her feel a bit clumsy. 
  • She is experiencing minor annoyances with various mucous membranes (but she doesn't wish to have them or their treatments described). 
  • She describes her legs as feeling like rubber chicken; on Friday, she did not make it as far as the credit union on the edge of our neighbourhood and had to turn back home well before she wanted to. 
  • She (definitely) suffers from chemo brain, which makes a mockery of memory. (At least she has an excuse!) 
Val finds the physical symptoms (maybe especially the fatigue) and the chemo brain annoying, but the chemo brain at least brings with it the occasional humorous word misuse. She has begun to keep a list of them and may write her own post on the topic one of these days.

Saturday morning brought an unexpected delivery of flowers for Val from my colleague Nirdosh. What a thoughtful and lovely gesture at this stage of the process. The kindness just keeps coming. Also this week: Val received two separate deliveries from Amazon - Hart L. and Judi M. each sent philosophy books to expand Val's reading material; Randa and Jacki brought groceries; the Schnitzers fed us on Friday;  and Susan R. is bringing dinner tonight. Every action stitches tighter the circle of support that surrounds us. Thank you all.  

Snow came overnight and it's slippery out there, thanks to temps hovering around and just below zero. Call me nuts, but I prefer it when winter comes in cold and sharp. This namby pamby start to the season makes it dangerous on the streets and sidewalks, and I don't like it. Oh well. Our shovels are standing ready and I'll make short work later this morning of the few centimeters of snow that cover the ground.

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