Thursday, November 20, 2014

More of the same

Colin remains in hospital, where his body continues to chug along and his mind is kept lively by reading books (My Life in France by Julia Childs is his current focus) and chatting on his cell phone to his various family members and friends. It will take some time to find a long-term care home placement for him, but that is the plan. 

Meanwhile, Anne is accommodating to life on her own at Willow Way. From our frequent conversations with her, it seems that visitors come and go often (some bringing shopping, others doing chores around the house, some just visiting). Last week, she was taken out by friends to celebrate her 86th birthday, which took place officially on Nov. 4th.

In Winnipeg, Val and Amanda are both in various stages of a regular head cold. We should be through it all by next week, here's hoping anyway. 

Winter has arrived with some snow and some cold. Nothing like poor Buffalo got and thank goodness for that! 

The new garage is wonderful: We drive in and out, using the automatic door, with great pleasure. 

I don't remember Dad with a beard, but he grew one for many years. I do remember him smoking, and all his various attempts to quit, which he eventually did in the early 70s when we lived in England. 

Mum celebrating her 86th birthday with friends recently. 

Our car parked, as we used to do it. 

Our car parked, as we now do it. It's a tight fit, not an inch wasted, not a problem. 

The structure itself in all its not-yet-sided glory. That will come in the spring. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Colin update

Colin remains in hospital, now in a 2-bed room, and holding his own. Today, Anne and her good friend Connie procured a new cell phone with a call-all-you-want monthly plan and took it to Colin; he is now, once again, in touch with the outside world. He likes chatting on the phone. 

Where this is all going, we don't know, but going home to Willow Way is no longer an option; he just needs too much care. So. Anne is adjusting to life without full-time nursing duties, and Colin waits to see if a nursing home bed comes open sooner...or later. 

In the mean time, I've found a few photos from Colin's younger days. He was a truly dashing young man. 

Colin, circa 1961 (maybe '62). Katy on left, Amanda on right. 

Colin with his lovely Aunty Marjie; she is the aunt who rode on the back of his motorcycle (see below) and who was an entrepreneurial importer of coffee. Here is the accurate story, courtesy of Anne: "Aunty Marjie's coffee business was special. the coffee was called Blue Danube, a Viennese type roast that included figs; only high-class grocers stocked it, for the enjoyment of connoisseurs, so it was a fairly limited market. Marjie and her brother Geoffrey started the business and created the roast  from their memories of coffee they had  enjoyed in Vienna." A woman ahead of her time. This photo is from 1948.

Colin looks younger here than in the photo by the fireplace. Mum tells me this photo is from 1942. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Updates: Colin and garage

The fall has been lovely, but winter is coming. I must get the windows washed! 

Colin is in hospital, having become weaker and weaker over the past 10 days or so. I was in Edmonton for a long weekend in late October, and he was just managing at home with phenomenal care from Mum and the homecare workers. This weekend, Katy was there and Dad couldn't manage getting in or out of bed on his own anymore, so the paramedics took him to a local  hospital. We now wait for news about his next move, possibly into a nursing home (the paperwork for which has been underway over the past week; thank goodness for this timing). Stay tuned. 

Val continues to recover and re-enter regular life. She doesn't have the stamina she would like and is easily tired, but she pushes on and is teaching two yoga classes a week, plus is deep into another session of teacher training at the yoga studio. Life goes on.

On a more mundane front, our garage is coming along well. These pics show where we're at. The roof should be up and on this week; we won't side the building til the spring.