Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 8 and still good

It's day 8 past Val's first treatment and she is feeling well enough to have abandoned me in the city and gone to the cottage with our friend Yvonne for a few days of lake-side quiet and beauty. It's wonderful, isn't it?

Val has been feeling a few minor side-effects from the chemo, but nothing that some basic OTC (over-the-counter) drugs can't help her manage, and she hasn't experienced any hair loss yet.

I am very grateful for all the messages and emails that come in, but am not always able to respond in a timely fashion or, indeed, respond at all, I'm afraid. But that doesn't mean your communication is not appreciated. I love hearing from you, so please keep it all coming.

The happiness of our marriage ceremony continues to buoy me up, so I'm sharing a pic of the small group that helped us mark the occasion. Picture yourself in there somewhere, for surely your spirit was part of the event.

My teaching is going well and I am finding my rhythm. Though I will confess to already looking forward to the Thanksgiving long weekend!



Unknown said...

Thats a beautiful picture. glad to hear that things are going well with val.prayers...

Amanda Le Rougetel said...

Thanks, Anisha! Always nice to 'see' you here! How are things? Drop me an email and give me an update on your life when you have a minute...