Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Turning a corner

It's a busy week coming up: Val will have the port inserted this Friday (6 AM admission, but she should be home before lunch time), which will make the regular chemo sessions easier (no IV poking each time). Tuesday is blood work, then Wednesday is chemo session no. 2.

Val began to feel a tingling sensation in her scalp recently and, today, she experienced her first hair loss. Ah, well. We knew it would begin eventually...

Chemo brain is making an appearance in our house. This evening, while making dinner I was searching furiously for the tongs with which to serve the green beans. Val claimed to have washed them up earlier and put them way. But where? I opened many drawers. No tongs anywhere. I even checked the fridge to see if she had put them away in a crazy place.

Then I looked to the left of the stove, behind the serving dish I had put out. Yup. There were the tongs. Put there by me. Ahem. Pardon me. Is chemo brain contagious, do you think?

We are planning to go to the symphony this Saturday and then attend a BBQ with our friend Yvonne and others on Sunday. Here's hoping the weather holds and Val feels up to all the outings.

Stay in touch. We love hearing from you.


Fraz said...

Ya know, I used to think it was hilarious when my dad had his glasses on his head and went stomping all over the house looking for them. Now that I'm doing it myself it's not so hilarious. :)

Sending happy vibes for the port and treatment #2. My friend's chemo port farts when he bends to the side - never gets old to his 7-yr-old.

Doreen Pendgracs said...

I'm glad you're doing this blog, Amanda! My friend, Suzanne, recently went thru some similar stresses and found that blogging really helped. It's also a way for your friends to keep up with what you and Val are going thru. And to help send you strength and cheery vibes when we can.

Amanda Le Rougetel said...

Who are you, Fraz?

Amanda Le Rougetel said...

Yes, pulling my thoughts together for the blog posts is helpful for me, and I enjoy the process of writing short, interesting (I hope) pieces for my readers (whoever they may be!).